I would take this time to ask “WHO DOES THAT?” but honestly, I don’t want to know. Because someone, somewhere will literally lick anything out of a vagina, creampies sometimes refer to when your partner licks said semen up once you’re done banging. The online definitions vary, but the basic definition of a creampie is when a dude’s semen drips out of you after sex. And for those of you who are wondering, according to Google, Donald Trump is supposedly 6’2″, but given his clear Napoleon complex I’m going to declare that fact fake news. Although he fits the definition to a T in other ways, Pussy Grabber-in-Chief is (surprisingly) too tall to fit in the category in the literal sense. This can be taken literally or figuratively-Jonah Hill, for example, could be considered a chode.

I’ll keep this definition as short as the word itself: Chodes are short, fat dicks. Please Google it because the origins of the name are the only good thing to come out of American politics since Jackie Kennedy’s dress sense. Also, hello, does nobody realize that’s a UTI waiting to happen? I am scarred.īTW, the mess is also known by another name: Santorum. In order to maintain my faith in humanity I’m just gonna assume it’s a thing that happens once and never again in any relationship, because the idea makes me want to puke. Truffle butter is the result of going from anal sex to vaginal sex-apparently, it’s the tan shit (possibly literally) around your vag. Nicki Minaj wrote an entire song about this one, but if Googling it somehow slipped your mind and it’s too late to ask anyone, allow me to explain. In the interest of pretending like you’re not totally vanilla, here are the definitions of 10 sex terms you’re too embarrassed to admit you don’t know. Or maybe you will-I don’t know the details of your sex life and I prefer to keep it that way.) I don’t know how people maintained a cool, sexually sophisticated façade before the internet, but luckily, we live in an era where you can pull up Urban Dictionary on your phone whenever you want. Not that high school wasn’t fun, but who likes being reminded that once upon a time, they were a virgin who couldn’t drive? Even though it’s literally impossible to keep up with all the weird euphemisms for sex people come up with, you’re obviously not supposed to let on that you have no idea WTF truffle butter means.
Cream pie meaning full#
Nothing will transport you back to high school faster than being in a room full of people talking about some type of sex you’ve never heard of.