There was a small problem with one of the pairs I ordered which they replaced with absolutely no quibble and at no cost to myself. brand to get a positive mention was Wolsey. I learned that some socks cost £30 a pair, some have a lifetime guarantee, tested and honoured, not that I’d want to wear the same style of sock for the rest of my life, a couple of recommended brands were Australian, and bamboo wasn’t generally favoured due to poor wear characteristics. Fascinating stuff and I always value real world opinion. What prompted my sudden interest in socks? Well, I read an article online where readers of a newspaper, The Guardian I think, we’re invited to name and explain their favourite socks. However this was no doubt instigated by the fact that I have just bought some socks from them, not btw bamboo. Only yesterday an email arrived from H J Socks regarding their bamboo variants. Perhaps we should all now be thinking of bamboo hifi.Ĭoincidence’s, don’t you just love them. This will of course also make the cost of running a super-powerful hifi that has to be left on permanently both extremely expensive and socially irresponsible. My wife is predicting rioting in the streets, which is not very British (more Keep Calm and Carry On). This will be disastrous for theatres, concert halls and other large cavernous places, and of course restaurants and coffee shops that often trade on very small profits. My gas is on variable rate – I don’t dare look. However, the peak rate has gone up 280% from 17c/kwh to 48c/kwh. Off-peak (from 12:30am to 4:30am, mainly used to charge the car and run washing machines) has increased 50% from about 6c/kwh to 9c/kwh. Meanwhile, I just renewed my annual electricity contract yesterday. We should all be wearing bamboo clothing, made from natural bamboo fibres. The biggest water-borne pollutant are man-made fibres from washing machines. We’ve received samples of bamboo clothing from a UK company that’s been in the bamboo game for almost 20 years. Paul has obviously been living under a rock as far as clothing is concerned. Thank you for being a part of our community. We spend our time sharing with you what’s on our minds and what’s important to us.Īnd when you reply back or engage with the community through our comments section or via personal email, it makes all the difference in the world. That may or may not resonate with what you are currently interested in and that is ok.

We do our best to engage with you by sharing what’s interesting or grabbing our attention at the moment. PS Audio has always been a very vocal and communicative company.

I suppose the answer involves the way we communicate with our community. You, my dear reader, might be wondering why the heck am I bringing this to your attention at all. It does seem a bit of a stretch to assume I am interested in socks. Secondly, I imagine they hope the oddity of two disparate words-bamboo and sock-would be enough to get me to click on the email. On the one hand, I guess they are banking on the fact everyone wears socks. The bigger question for me is what these people are thinking and why they are sending it to me. Let’s ignore for the moment the fact I haven’t a clue what a bamboo sock might be. One of the more consistent product pitches I receive in my SPAM box is for bamboo socks.